MDHI Store

Purchase one of Dr. Harris’ books below at Amazon!

Reaching the lost with power

Every religion, philosophy, political system and organization has used the arts to change the world in their favor. Christians can, and must, use them for Christ. Get it here!

Career or love in the modern world?

Join a young professional as she learns what matters most and decides to pursue it. Get it here!.

Rebellion and faith in ancient Israel

The Jewish king Hezekiah has rebelled against the superpower Assyria. Will his nation survive? Get it here!

Pass your Firefighter 1 and 2 Exam with study guide featuring more than 1200 questions! Get it here!

Which major world religion is the most militant? Which is second? Which is least militant? What can we do to make religion less militant? Buy this academic study at Proquest.

Survive and save others against chemical, biological, and radiological threats!
Emergency Responders face a vast and growing array of hazards. Be prepared with this brief summary. Get it here!

Not all those who wander are lost.


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