

A small religion worldwide but a major force in India, Sikhism combines Muslim, Hindu, and other elements with temporal and spiritual power. Known for their skill in combat, Sikhs have established a major presence in the security industry worldwide.

By Mark D. Harris

India has been a both a hotbed and a mixing pot of religious fervor for most of human history. Brahmanism flourished in the second millennium before Christ and grew into modern Hinduism over the centuries. Jainism and then Buddhism arose in the northeast in the sixth and fifth centuries BC. From the west of the Indus River, Zoroastrianism and the ancient Greek philosophies shaped the religious world from Sindh to Gujarat. Five hundred years later, in the first century, Christians came from the lands of the setting sun.

From AD 700 to 1100, another contender for the allegiance of man, Islam, swept into India. Naval raids gave way to land attacks which developed into armies and battles. The Indians finally collapsed and for the next 600 years, the standard of the Prophet was raised from the Himalayas to Sri Lanka. Over time, millions of Hindus adopted the religion of their conquerors.

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